The early Medical Officers of Health of Nottingham 1873-1929 by Dr Denise Amos



Nottingham Local Studies Library and Nottinghamshire Archives have collections of the Annual Reports of the Medical Officers of Health from 1873, as well as earlier Sanitary Committee Reports.

Basford Rural Sanitary Authority, Annual reports of the Medical Officer of Health, 1874-94. Annual report of the Surveyor and Sanitary Inspector, 1874-78.

Seaton’s ‘A Report on the Sanitary Conditions of the Borough of Nottingham’, Nottingham, 1873 and Report to the Health Committee on measures required for improvements of Narrow Marsh, 17 November 1882

B Arthur Whitelegge, MOH West Riding County Council, late MOH for Nottingham, Hygiene and Public Health, 1890.

Philip Boobbyer, ‘Typhoid fever in midden towns’, Public Health (1896-7)

P Boobbyer, ‘Enteric Fever and Conservancy Methods’, Public Health (1896-7)

Wellcome Library, Transactions of the Society of Medical Officers of Health (1885-6)

Nottingham University Library, Greenfield library, Annual Reports of the Nottingham Medico-Chirurgical Society 1889-1910

Nottingham University Manuscripts Department. Specific Reports from members of the Nottingham Medico-Chirurgical Society.


Geoffrey Oldfield, ‘The fight for Public Health: the work of the Basford Rural Sanitary Authority, 1874-1894’, Transactions of Thoroton Society, Volume 79, 1975.

Miles Kipling, A Brief History of HM Inspectorate, Health and Safety Executive, 1979.

Denise Amos, ‘Nottingham’s health pioneer, Philip Boobbyer, Medical Officer for the City of Nottingham, 1889-1929’, Nottinghamshire Historian, 69, Autumn/Winter 2002.

Steve Sturdy, Sir (Benjamin) Arthur Whitelegge, Oxford Dictionary of National Biography, Oxford University Press, 2004.

Denise Amos, ‘Fighting disease and slum housing in Nottingham: the work of three Victorian Medical Officers of Health, 1873-1929’, Transactions of Thoroton Society, Volume 109, 2006.

There are also other related articles in Transactions of Thoroton Society, Nottinghamshire Bibliography, under headings ‘Health and Medicine’ and ‘Public Health’.