West Bridgford by David Dunford & Sheila Leeds


There is no collection of oral history recordings for West Bridgford, but various publications give first hand accounts of times in West Bridgford. These are listed below in order of the period covered:

M H Barker Walks Round Nottingham Effingham Wilson 1835
A walk in the 1830s from Trent Bridge through the lanes of West Bridgford, ending with a           visit to St Giles’ church.

A E (Nan) Snell The Velvet Years Privately Published1968
The daughter of Sir Thomas Shipstone, she spent her early childhood in the 1880s in West Bridgford.

Clifford Dyment The Railway Game Readers Union 1963
The poet’s account of his childhood in West Bridgford during the 1920s and 1930s.

Jeannie Argyle You can if you try! Twobee Enterprises 2004
The singer Jean Stevenson spent her childhood in West Bridgford in the 1930s, leaving at the outbreak of WW2, and returning just before its end. She left in 1959, but returned again   in the 1990s.

Aspects of West Bridgford’s History West Bridgford and District Local History Society 1991
Alan Bailey recalls his memories of the floods of 1932 and 1947

Derek James (Ed) World War 2 … a Glance over the Shoulder 2011
Sylvia James, Jean Stevenson, Eileen Shipp, Mary Green share memories from their time in West Bridgford during WW2.

Lol Merryweather One Small Boy’s War
Lol recalls his time in West Bridgford during the Second World War.

Jean Bowes (Ed) Molly’s Children Jean Bowes & Christine Bluett 2017
The story of St Giles’ Fellowship group from 1948 to 1983.

Charles Tyrie The Langley Boy to be Better than the Rest AuthorHouse 2015
In 1984 the author became Chief Technical Officer for Rushcliffe Borough Council, retiring in 1996 but continuing to live in the Borough. He was a governor for West Bridgford Infant School and active in the Rotary Club of West Bridgford.